
因為毛打結,所以剪短的恰鬼(有點像無尾熊),打瞌睡~ 她是一點都不會客氣,想睡就睡型的



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所以就選了一塊「黑岩優格乳酪蛋糕」 我很少吃乳酪蛋糕 但是它的外型實在太特別囉!





老 J 在旁看我幸福的樣子,也說要吃一口。不過其實老 J 根本就吃不出來什麼是好吃。所以還是別浪費這可口的蛋糕了吧!

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北京民眾愛逛IKEA 不是為購物
Beijing loves IKEA, but not for shopping
When IKEA first opened in Beijing ten years ago, it hoped locals would embrace its European brand of minimalism. A decade later, Beijing have done just that. Perhaps too much.
Every weekend, thousands of looky-loos pour into the massive showroom to use the displays. Some hop into bed, slide under the covers and sneak a nap; others bring cameras and pose with the decor. Families while away the afternoon in the store for no other reason then to enjoy the air conditioning.

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The movies to look out for this year:"2012"
If "2012" is as good as its trailers look, director Roand Emmerich has likely come up with an epic that surpasses his earlier works like "Independent Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow".

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《At least 36 children die of H1N1 flu in U.S.》

Federal health officials reported that at least 36 children in the United Stated had died of swine flu as of Aug. 8, including many who had underlying disorders of the nervous system. Some also had chronic lung disease, and one had leukemia.


In addition, doctors should be aware of the higher risk of severe bacterial co-infections in children who have flu and treat accordingly.



  in virology, coinfection is the term used to describe the simultaneous infection of a single call by two or more virus particles.


underlie->underlay->underlain; underlying

   ex:The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved.

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<Woman survives after neck is impaled> (中央社編製)

An American woman hsa miraculously survived being impaled in the neck by a 30cm tree branch.

Michelle Childers and her husband were driving through a forest in Idaho when a tree limb crashed through the passenger side window and into her neck.




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